Thursday, 9 January 2014


Ok, so eating was probably a good move because now I don't feel like my body is trying to turn itself inside out. Stir fry veg and rice noodles with chilli sauce is not the worst thing in the world I could have eaten, and I'm not going to let myself think that I failed, because I didn't. I said right at the beginning of the day if I managed nothing but tea all day then great but I'd eat if I wanted to. I was under my daily calories, so I don't feel bad. Maybe the whole one meal a day thing is a winner for me. I've read a lot of good things about not eating for long periods to force the body into metabolising fat, and at work I'm on my feet all day. I'm going to try not to eat at 9pm going forward, instead I'll eat right when I get in then do something productive like writing or cleaning or tidying or drawing or sewing or something.

Right now I'm drinking a bottle of water because, yeah, ok, I do feel guilty for eating.

But today was good for reminding me how powerful being truly hungry makes me feel. The wolf inside me was making herself heard.

Wolves don't eat for days and do when they have to. So maybe that's another reason that only eating once a day appeals.

1 comment:

  1. I have also read that going for extended periods of time without eating can be helpful. I've heard it called Intermittent Fasting (or Leangains - You fast for 16-18 hours and eat for the remainder of the time. It's great because it teaches people how to recognize real hunger instead of eating out of habit. I tried it once before a while back and I liked it because I never get hungry until late afternoon anyway (and I seriously considered giving an honest try!).
