Monday, 27 January 2014



This weight stall is pissing me off so I'm seriously shaking things up. Today I ate meat. Well, fish. And not in a guilty, dirty, secret way that I occasionally do. I cooked it and I fucking ate it and it was delicious. Like... amazing.

So I'm going to eat oven-baked or poached fish with green veggies on workout days (which should deb at least 5 days a week) then might graduate to chicken a couple of nights a week. I had thai-spiced salmon with spinach, asparagus, long-stem broccoli, boston beans and carrots. It was amazing. And only 443 cals. Which is only a little over half of what I burned in Zumba this evening.
That's right, my friends, the gym wasn't just a one-time thing. I'm going tomorrow for cycling, cross trainer and power plate. Yes. I am.

I intended to tell you more about my date but honestly I'm too tired right now. Tomorrow. Probably. Possibly.

Sunday, 26 January 2014


I got fucked like I've never been fucked. To the point that my whole body aches, and I mean my entire body - inside, outside, skin, muscles, lips, head. It all hurts. All worth it.

Friday, 24 January 2014



Well fuck me.

I just went to the gym (yay) then came back and ate an omelet bigger than my head (boo). I think I need a food plan that I'm actually going to stick to. If I have good food in the house I'll eat good food. So, ok, here goes nothing.

At least I went to the fucking gym. In the pouring rain, I might add. It was grim out there. Ok, so it's like a 6 minute walk from my house to the gym but on my way home I stepped into an ankle-deep puddle and was freezing and soggy all the way home. Boo hoo.

I signed up for a personal training session and for a couple of classes. I know I like Zumba when the instructor has decent choreography. I'm hoping to make some friends who I can be at least mildly competitive with.

Oh, and fuck me, I have a date tomorrow. I'm going to stay with him for the weekend and I cannot promise not to fuck him if the opportunity arises because it's been fucking months and my vagina is going to shrivel up and die. We're going to hang out, drink and talk smack tomorrow evening then on Sunday we're going to go for a long walk together from Wimbledon to Richmond, so it'll at least be some exercise.

Ok, so I'm fucking freezing so I'm going to shower now and shave my legs because I look like a fucking yeti.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014



I've been circling the same number for weeks now and something needs to change or I'm going to lose my motivation.

As such this bad bitch is taking herself to the gym tomorrow. That's right motherfuckers.

Aurboda initially wanted to come with me but has since got cold feet. I'm not going to let her hold me back.

Monday, 20 January 2014



After this weekend I need to play catch up a little.

I had a lovely birthday and it was nice to see my parents. I'm really glad that I'm now in a place where seeing then is good and happy rather than something that makes me anxious, angry and miserable.

What did make me anxious was the dinner we had on my birthday and the lunch we had yesterday. Dinner was literally all cheese and bread and I ate like a kid who'd just escaped fat camp. It would be impressive if it weren't so gross.

Then for lunch we went for Italian food. I ordered a salad with goat cheese and balsamic onions and mixed leaves which sounded like it wouldn't be too bad but there were all these bits of bread in the salad and my mother said to me, "Don't eat the bread, darling." Which seriously pissed me off. So, stupidly, I ate the fucking bread. What kind of dumb-ass decision is that? I need to just ignore most other humans. It's the only way.

In the interests of clearing out my body, though, I'm doing a tea cleanse today. I'm allowing myself caffeine and diet coke to make it through but no solid foods. I need to get whatever's left in my system the heck out.

Time for work. Boo.

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Getting rejected fucking sucks.

My date went well, I thought, but today I got a text saying, "I had fun Friday night but I'm sorry I just don't think it's gonna go anywhere. I wish you all the best in looking for someone." I guess it was kind of him not to reject me on my birthday. Class act.

Love can seriously go do one.

I haven't had sex in months, and I was drunk anyway. I haven't had sex I actually remember clearly since the first night I spent with Frey and that was in early October. It's times like this I wonder how long it takes for you to be officially sexually deactivated.

Friday, 17 January 2014



So I didn't post yesterday, I'm terrible, I know, I had an exam which kind of took over my day and then I was knackered. I started a post on the train but my stupid phone deleted it so here we are.

My tea cleanse was a complete success. I went the whole day on nothing but tea and a "negative calorie" energy drink. Be exceed about that for a minute.

It's my 22nd birthday tomorrow and to see off my last night of being 21 I'm going on a date with a cute guy. His family are all farmers so he loves animals, especially dogs, he has a proper job and passions and he travels and he's got nice arms and he's tall and looks good in a suit. I'm not getting my hopes up but any guy who says "the drinks are on me" is a good one in my book.

Despite my tea cleanse I'm (predictably) not going to make my unrealistic little birthday goal unless I chop an arm off or something for tomorrow but that's ok, I knew it was not going to happen. I'm more interested in making my goal for Monday and I'm well on track for that. As long as dinner with my parents tomorrow isn't too extravagant I should be just fine.

Right, time for work. I'll let you know how the date goes, shall I?

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


I feel weirdly spaced out and floaty. It's actually quite pleasant.


Good gods this day was obscenely stressful.

The thing about it being severely stressful is that I haven't had a chance to eat all day. I started out today wanting to manage my first complete tea cleanse without bailing and so far I've been successful. I'm going to sleep in about 2 and a half hours because I've got an early morning tomorrow. That means just 2 and a half hours without eating until I've done it.

I don't know why I treating this as some sort of life-altering thing. I've gone days and days without eating before. Like, seriously. I think I'm seeing it as confirmation that I can do this - that I've got my will back.

They call it willPOWER for a reason, I guess.



That worked fast. Acai is my friend.



Stupid digestive system.

My sluggish guts are holding onto every ounce of food that goes into my body and it's starting to get wearing. Even on days where I behave immaculately I'm very up and down. My body just needs to get used to starvation, really. Right now it isn't and it's making it act all weird.

But yesterday I caught sight of something in the mirror.

Fucking collarbone?! Really?

I'm not nearly thin enough for it to be visible all the time but holy fucking shit tits bum cock sank COLLARBONE. Do you know when I could last see see my collarbone? I've sat and twisted and contorted my body to try and force my collarbones to appear and they haven't obliged, so this again is flipping amazing. I'm so happy. This is progress, lazy guts or no lazy guts.

I've taken some acai extract. It'll give me a horrible stomach ache but it'll get rid of all the stuff that's seeming so reluctant to leave my body.

I got my hair done yesterday and chickened out of getting a fringe (bangs, whatever) but my hairdresser said that I needed to come back every eight weeks so let's see if i'm feeling bolder next time.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014



I cut my knuckle somehow on my walk home yesterday. It's ridiculous, like my dog hen she throws herself through brambles.

I'm back to where I started before my little mini-gain and I'm going to be in the hairdresser's tonight so eating isn't going to be an option until I get home at about 8pm. I'm genuinely considering taking a shot of whiskey to work to put in a bottle of diet coke. It's been the only thing making me feel better through this shitty headcold/chest rattler/headache/sinus shit. My throat (and weirdly my tongue) are killing me and I haven't been able to breathe through my nose for over a week. This is getting really, really annoying now.

I have a busy end of the week coming at me. I have a training day on Thursday, a date (!) on Friday and I'm spending my day with my parents of Saturday, which could be nice. I haven't spent a birthday with them in a long time. As in 14 years.

I don't want to leave the warmth of my bed to go to work. Seriously.

I have to, though, don't I?

Monday, 13 January 2014



I missed my target because (TMI, sorry) I didn't get to shit before my weigh in which is annoying but I'll live with it. It'll just make victory next Monday even sweeter.

Right now I'm sitting on my bed with diet coke and whiskey trying to use alcohol as medicine for my horrific sore throat. Coke gets rid of phlegm and alcohol is antiseptic, so it should help, and being ever so slightly tipsy will hopefully take the edge off the pain because, I tell you, it fucking hurts. This illness is getting pretty tiresome. Enough of this madness, body, stop mutinying against me, please.

I've been asked to write something about mental health for my old university because, obviously, I'm a glowing example of recovery (pahahahahahahahaha.) Actually, to be fair to myself, I very rarely have days where I feel like the sky is falling any more. I guess that's a sort of progress. I used to go for days at a time without leaving the house simply down to the intense feeling of dread and I haven't done that in months.

EURGH, seriously being sick is so boring.

Sunday, 12 January 2014



Yesterday is the proof that intermittent fasting works best for me. The summers where I really cracked my weight loss were the ones where I ate a late lunch and nothing else, so clearly that's what I need to do.

For once Aurboda didn't leave Gymir here - thank god. He irritates me so completely I'd have been seriously annoyed.

Is it bad that I'm already thinking about dinner? Gah, brain. At least I have peppermint tea.

I've been so ill this week with sickness and sneezing so hard there's blood in my snot. It's gross. I feel so gross.


Meili and I spoke on Skype. It's the first time I've heard his voice in months.

He said that, had he hooked up with his previous housemate, he'd never have moved back to Australia.

So I told him I was tired and wanted to go and said goodbye and hung up.

Why do I throw away guys who are nothing but good to me and let shitty bastards consistently make me feel one inch tall and ninety feet wide? You'd have thought being on different continents in different hemispheres might take away his power. Silly me.

Saturday, 11 January 2014


I'm going to eat some peas. They are necessary to my wellbeing.


Aurboda is in the kitchen cooking for herself and Gymir. I can hear the oil popping and sloshing around in the pan. I can smell fat cooking. It's grossing me out.

I have lost my "binge" weight, and then some. I'm on target for Monday, in fact I've already beaten it. I did eat lunch today because I was rushed off my feet at work and I don't think I'd have managed the rest of the day otherwise, but I'm not eating dinner to compensate, so that's ok. That's one good thing about Gymir being here and Aurboda still being a child and hating me - I don't want to leave my room. Depite the mould growing around my window. I'll have to fix that. Tomorrow.

I'm planning to go for a run or a long walk or something tomorrow, I don't know, I have a day off when I wasn't expecting one and on my days off I can be extremely lazy. Hm. Honestly I don't want to set myself up for failure so I'm not going to say I'll definitely exercise but I'm hereby registering my intent. If I do I can buy myself a plant. There we go.

I'd like to spend the majority of tomorrow cleaning and tidying my PIT of a bedroom. It's getting a bit gross in here to be honest. I just bought myself a beautiful new cushion (ok, it's kind of ugly but I love it) and I feel bad having it in a room that's such a horrendous state.

That's my Ylva cushion, bitches. I'm going to hug it when hunger pangs make me ache or when heartbreak wounds me. The wolf inside me in eating her way out, the wolf outside is my protector.

I also wear my wolf necklace whenever I can. I had it custom made by a little company called Little Doe (ch-ch-check it out, it's amazing) and I plan to wear it until it turns my neck completely green. I'd love a gold wolf necklace one day. Maybe at a really, really big milestone I'll splash out but for now I am poor and fat. THIS IS WHY I CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.

My new manager started at work today. There are obviously irritating things about her. She starts every sentence with "to be honest" even when that makes no sense in the structure of the sentence and she wants to change EVERYTHING but so far I like her. She's got a lot of energy and she's very positive and my workplace could do with a ray of fucking sunshine. I'm still looking for other jobs though, don't you fret. I refuse to be a retail bitch forever.

If I hear the giants fucking tonight I'm recording the noise and putting it on youtube.



Well this seems to be working. Isolation brings Ylva out because she devoured two lbs of fat from me yesterday, despite the 3 litres of water I drank throughout yesterday. I was afraid I'd be carrying a ton of water weight. I've just got to make sure I don't think, "Well, I did really well... I can eat shit today".  I have to combat those thoughts.

I am going to try and drink 3 litres again today (mix of tea and water and one coffee) and tonight I'll have chilli and rice. Nom.

My new manager starts today which I am not so excited about as I expect Aurboda (who spent all morning stomping about because she knew I was sleeping) will slag me off as much as she can.

I really hope I don't have to work on my birthday. That'll just be too depressing.

Friday, 10 January 2014


All the advice points towards hydration being a good thing. Skin, mind and muscles are all positively affected by drinking plenty of water and having a stomach full of it is great for helping me to avoid filling it with anything else.

To help keep myself drinking throughout the day I needed a way to keep track of what I'd had while also reminding me to keep drinking, so I devised a cunning plan. I wrapped a piece of sellotape around one of my fingers and, using sharpie, drew a little line for every 250ml I drank. It's colour coded - red means fruit tea, blue means water, yellow means lemsip (still have a nasty cold) and been means instant packet soup. Altogether I drank 3 litres. It made me pee like a racehorse al day but it also meant that, while I was definitely hungry when I got home, I ate my dinner and felt pretty satisfied instead of wanting to head to the fridge or the corner shop. I'm still getting comfortable with hunger again - I'm so out of practise - but I'm getting there. Remembering that willpower is POWER.

I have one more lb to lose for Monday's official weigh in. If I don't manage it that'll throw me off for weeks. It would be a shame to fall behind so soon so I'm powering through. 

Aurboda still isn't talking to me. I'm really not upset about it. It's not like she has any other friends - it's her loss.


My flat is kind of gross. Aside from the fact that it's a mess it gets mouldy because the heating doesn't work so we don't open the windows and as a result there's a load of condensation. All around the window and in the corner we get greeny/black mould patches. It's disgusting. As soon as the cold weather ends I'm living with my windows glued open.

Productive activity of the evening: De-mould my bedroom.




All my "binge night" weight has gone again, thank goodness. That leaves me with another lb to lose for Monday which I think is entirely possible. It's going to happen. I have faith and resolve and that's all I need.

Aurboda is slamming around the flat like a teenager having a tantrum. It's a bit pathetic really. If she's going to be like that at work from now on it's going to be pretty unbearable. Though, everyone says that friends are the enemy of starvation, so maybe it's a blessing.

Eurgh, I still feel ill.

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Ok, so eating was probably a good move because now I don't feel like my body is trying to turn itself inside out. Stir fry veg and rice noodles with chilli sauce is not the worst thing in the world I could have eaten, and I'm not going to let myself think that I failed, because I didn't. I said right at the beginning of the day if I managed nothing but tea all day then great but I'd eat if I wanted to. I was under my daily calories, so I don't feel bad. Maybe the whole one meal a day thing is a winner for me. I've read a lot of good things about not eating for long periods to force the body into metabolising fat, and at work I'm on my feet all day. I'm going to try not to eat at 9pm going forward, instead I'll eat right when I get in then do something productive like writing or cleaning or tidying or drawing or sewing or something.

Right now I'm drinking a bottle of water because, yeah, ok, I do feel guilty for eating.

But today was good for reminding me how powerful being truly hungry makes me feel. The wolf inside me was making herself heard.

Wolves don't eat for days and do when they have to. So maybe that's another reason that only eating once a day appeals.


Today has been a bit shit, frankly.

Burning myself, feeling so ill, getting yelled at, all of that sucked all on its own but then for Frey not to be there for me - again... fuck it. Fuck him. Seriously, I don't have the energy.

I'm on the fence about eating once my food delivery gets here - when it gets here. All the food I've bought is healthy and actively good for me, so from that perspective I couldn't feel bad about eating, but at the same time I've got this far.

You know when you feel ill and you don't know whether eating will make it better or worse? Yeah, that.


So far, so successful. I haven't eaten today, all that's gone through me is liquid. Though I managed to throw a fresh cup of tea down myself this morning and burn my legs/stomach. I'm telling myself that it's a sign that the tea cleanse is burning off the fat in my belly and thighs but, to be honest, it's more likely to be a sign that I am clumsy at the best of times and worse when I'm ill. I suppose we see what we want to see, and the scales tomorrow will show either way.

I have had this snaky, writhing feeling in my guts for most of the day. It woke me up in the night and it's been there in waves all day. It's pretty unpleasant. I used to get this feeling as a kid when I hadn't done homework for a scary teacher and was expecting to be yelled at - a kind of sickening trepidation.

It doesn't help that Aurboda is angry with me about something. She was absolutely fine on the walk to work then as soon as we were there her mood flipped and she was short with me all day. I asked her a couple of times if I'd done something and she said no, but towards the end of the day she admitted that I'd "massively upset" her somehow but that she didn't want to talk about it until we were home. I left work early because I didn't have a lunch break, so I'm kind of sitting here with a belly full of worry-snakes and tea waiting for her to come home and tell me what I'm meant to have done. To be fair there's a few things it could have been. I guess I'm not a very good friend.

Well, ok, that's not really fair, I can be a good friend. I can be enormously caring and generous and kind and passionate one loyal and lovely. I can. But at the same time I can be really horrible to be around. I think the problem is that I find most people a bit boring. That's a terrible thing to say but it's true. Most people just don't engage my interest for that long. Some of my favourite people are people I only see in short bursts because we live far apart or we have different circles or we're busy. It means we make time for each other, catch up, love each other all over again, then go our separate ways and I don't get bored and they don't see how broken I really am under the joy of seeing them. Maybe they feel exactly the same towards me, I don't know.

The long and short of all that is that I'm sure I'm extremely difficult to live with. Between my crappy sleeping habits, up-and-down moods, messiness, carelessness and minuscule attention span I can see how I'd be a nightmare to be with for protracted periods. I imagine it doesn't help that it's in my nature to bottle my thoughts and feelings until the absolutely have to vomit forth. It's given me trouble in the past one way or another and I've actually hurt people I care about pretty badly as a result. It's a pretty terrible flaw in my character and one I really would like to work on. I'm defensive and non-confrontational but everyone tells me that a little confrontation is healthy.

Well, I'm pretty sure there'll be some confrontation once my housemate returns.

I really do feel spectacularly unwell. It's not even just a queasy feeling, my guts actually hurt me. Can you overdose on fruit tea? I know for sure that it has mobilised my sluggish digestive system (sorry), maybe that's what it is. I'm giving my innards a really aggressive, minty wash. After the shit I ate on Tuesday it's probably exactly what I needed, even if it's meant I've been biting back tears all day.

(I just googled, apparently mint tea relaxes your organs or something and can loosen up gas and things, maybe that's all it is. Again, sorry!)

Gosh, I've had a lot to say today. I expect I'll have plenty more once Aurboda gets home later.

Niord, this guy I've hooked up with a few times, got in touch today. I'm not sure what I actually think of him. We met at a conference a couple of years ago and (at the risk of sounding like a complete jerk) I didn't really notice him because I got a lot of attention as one of the few females there, and the only one not in a relationship. I spent the night with a different guy and I didn't really remember Niord beyond his face in a crowd. We're part of a professional network so he added me on twitter and started messaging me on there, showing interest. It was flattering but I didn't really reciprocate and at the time I was nearer my HW and not really in any fit state to be contemplating anything romantic or sexual. I didn't feel particularly desirable.

He badgered me a bit for quite a while, saying he'd wanted me when he first saw me and was disappointed not to have "linked up" (his words) when we first met. I batted him back and told him that I was happy to get reacquainted and catch up over drinks but he made it pretty clear that he really just wanted to fuck me. Well, you know, sometimes that's good to hear, and his honesty was kind of refreshing. So many guys pretend to be interested in me as a human and turn out to only be interested in fucking, so it was a novelty to have someone admit upfront that they thought I was cool but they were more interested in getting to know what was between my legs than what was between my ears.

So at a low ebb I went to see him in his flat. Which he bought after he sold his first company. At 24. That in and of itself was pretty appealing. After years of dating students it was nice to be around someone in a good suit with a real career and serious money.

Yes, obviously I had sex with him.

I think the fact that I fucked him in every room in his flat and bit him and didn't flinch when he brought out toys really piqued his interest. I don't think he meets a lot of girls like me. I'm not saying that to be conceited, I mean it in the sense that I'm not really a slick, professional woman with a portfolio and MAC lipstick. He seems to spend most of his time at work (in a starchy office) or at home, working. I'm outside his "zone". I'm a novelty for him. Which is probably why he's been pursuing me.

A few months back he asked me if I was home alone, in the middle of the night, and when I said I was he offered to come over and at the time I couldn't think of any reason to reject him. Despite the fact that I had a boyfriend (I know, I know, I'm not a saint, ok? I'm a terrible person). When we'd exhausted ourselves I told him that I didn't expect him to stay and if he did he'd have to take the sofa. I wasn't trying to be cold or coy, I just prefer to sleep alone. He was so surprised.

Anyways, the reason I'm talking about him is that he got in touch today. Apparently he loves fucking me and is delighted that I'm back on the market. I still turned him down. Casual sex has really just lost all appeal. Between hating the way I look right now and my sex drive dying a death months ago I don't really want to. I feel gross and I'd rather leave him wanting more.


So Aurboda just came home.

Apparently everyone at work has told her that I told my boss that she's lazy and that her boyfriend spent the whole day at work the other day to save my own skin, when she's the one who fought for me when my boss (and his boss) wanted to fire me. She wouldn't let me get a word in edgeways but said on several occasions "I thought we were friends but clearly that's not true" which, frankly, is a little melodramatic. The funny thing is she's not been told the things I ACTUALLY said but she's been told that stuff I wanted to say and didn't. Which is odd. She didn't even hear to from my boss, the one I actually spoke to, but from other people who apparently told her not to trust me. Maybe she'd be even angrier if the stuff I actually said had been fed back to her. I have no idea. Regardless, she shouted at me, didn't let me defend myself then stormed off into her room. The rest of this tenancy is going to be pretty awkward. Hooray for fixed leases.

To be honest we don't spend too much time together anyway but still... I don't really know what to do.



As I predicted three of the four lbs I "gained" have gone again, so that's something. In the other hand, though, I feel like complete arse. My nasty cold is getting nastier and turning into a nasty sickness bug. I kept waking in the night thinking I was going to vomit.

My food shop is arriving tonight and that means I can start cooking myself healthy dinners in the evening, and that can't be anything but good news when my entire order is made up of vegetables and spices. I inure if I have good stuff to hand I can't help but be good, right?

I might try a tea cleanse today - maybe it'll help with how truly sick I feel - but I won't beat myself up tonight if I get home and want to make something when my veggies come in. I'll make myself a stir-fry if I really want something when I get home. But right now the idea of eating only makes me feel sicker. I hate being ill.

Today is one of my last days with my horrible boss before he moves to the coast and leaves me alone forever. That makes me feel a little better.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


I spoke to one of my favourite folk this morning and told her that I want to do a tea cleanse at least once a month where I give my poor guts a break and a good wash out with plenty of mint and fruit teas (no sugar or honey, I'm not an idiot). As a reward when I manage a tea-only day (where I can have as much tea as I want) I can buy myself a little plant from the florist on my street.

I want to turn my bedroom into a real cave/haven (caven? No, sorry, forget that happened. Embarrassing.) Plants and decorative touches will help. With my job being severely stressful and wanting to kick my writing up several notches this year I need a serene space which is mine alone where I feel safe.

Also, each time I hit a milestone (which I organised recently) I can go for a beauty treatment. I have this thing I got for being local to this salon which means I get certain treatments for free. So it won't even cost me anything. But it all helps towards the efforts to become a beautiful, thin, together sort of a woman.

Also, as an extra kick up the arse, Meili is coming back next year. I want to knock his fucking socks off. As well as showing Frey what he threw away by calling her "crazy".



Controlled though last night's binge may have been I "gained" 4lbs. I know a lot of that is because, ahem, it's still in my system at the moment and water retention from the salty junk food and I drank a lot (about 1.5 litres) of water after in a twisted way of trying to feel less uncomfortable after. Today my poor distended belly needs to recover. Lots of water and mint tea to flush that complete junk out of my system. I feel so horrendous. I actually felt so sick after the shit I ate last night that I had trouble sleeping. I feel like my whole being is being forced to orbit around the sick and overfed wolf in my guts. Eurgh.

That means I have 6lbs to lose by Monday which I know sounds mad, but so much of what I'm carrying right this second is water/salt/literal crap which will hopefully be out of me by the end of the day. Hopefully. Maybe some acai pills will help me along, so to speak.

I don't regret it, to be honest, because it taught me a lesson:

Junk food really is a load of junk.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Every week I'm allowed a "controlled binge" so that I don't talk myself out of restricting the rest of the time. Any time I want to eat something I shouldn't I put it on a list and one day a week, if I still want to, I can eat something from this list as long as it doesn't take me over my max calories. This way I can avoid genuine binges and reinforce the idea of eating actively GOOD food the rest of the time.

I ordered takeout. Greasy fucking takeout. And you know what? It was kind of unexciting.

Maybe this is part and parcel of eating right and losing weight but I was chewing through this food that was supposed to be my naughty little deviation and, in reality, it tasted like crap. The most exciting part of it was the salad in my veggie burger. Seriously. That in itself is actually pretty pleasing.

So maybe that's what these controlled binges are for - reminding myself that "bad foods" are just that - bad food. It tastes bad. It does bad.

Interesting, innit?

Also, I didn't get fired. My weirdo boss is putting me on management training, apparently. Which makes no sense. Buy, hey, whatcha gonna do.



I'm leaving for work in about 23 minutes and today I find out whether I'm getting fired or not. I spent all day yesterday trying to talk to employment agencies, I even went to the job centre who said they wouldn't help me unless I was signed up for JSA (job seeker's allowance). At this point I don't really know how I feel about potentially losing my job. Obviously I'm a little panicked because I have nothing in savings at all so if I'm not getting paid I can't pay rent. Which is obviously an issue.

I hate my job so much, though. Working with my roommate is a nightmare because she's possibly the laziest person I've ever met and my boss is a disgusting sexist pig.

Oh, well, there's nothing I can really do any more. I just have to turn up and see what happens.

At least I'm still losing. That's obviously pretty awesome.

Monday, 6 January 2014


In all seriousness, I really need to day-drink this wretched cold away. I have calories left and I'm going to use them all on whiskey. That said, whacky calories never seem to go quite far enough.

I'm in my bed with my blanket on dreading the return of Aurboda. I saw her at work today when I tried to get an answer out of my boss and she gave me such a horrible book.


If her boyfriend would be willing to ACTUALLY move in I'd be gone like a shot.



I'm pretty sure I'm going to get fired tomorrow by my sexist pig of a boss.

This gives me seriously mixed feelings. I hate my job and everything about it except for the small matter of it being my only source of income. It's not like I live with my parents, I have bills and rent to pay. Without a job I'm completely screwed. I'm panicking.

The only bright side is that I have lost 3lbs in 2014. This is good. This is a start.


The spell is broken. 

Frey was so close to inheriting my love. So close. 

I was crazy about him until he called me crazy.

Now that my hackles are raised he just seems like a pretty shell long since abandoned by its inhabitant. He's nice enough to look at but there's nothing real inside. 

I know as well as anyone that depression can alter a person so I'll stay his friend while he's getting better because, unlike most of my exes, I don't think he's actually bad. He needs help and he's trying to get it - who am I to criticise?

But he doesn't actually deserve anything from me. 

We didn't even kiss goodbye. 

Sunday, 5 January 2014



I was tested and I didn't fail.

I got my talisman today and it makes me feel safe.

I'm going to see Frey tomorrow. I don't know how I feel.

Friday, 3 January 2014



I let you tell me everything.

Petty, serious, dark, like, tangible, abstract.

I listened.

I supported.

I never told you it was stupid.

I never told you it was petty.

I told you that you weren't alone.

I told you I wasn't going anywhere.

You told me I could tell you anything.

I told you I was sad. I told you I was frustrated. I told you I missed you.

You called me silly, weird and crazy.

Well... thanks.


Just because I am doesn't mean you get to say it.



Horrible Gymir is still in my flat snoring like a jet engine. He seriously needs to fuck off. I'm sick of everything about him. He needs to disappear. Millstone around the neck and into the sea.

At least I lost a little weight. That's literally all that is keeping me going right this second. That and my dream for August. That helps, I must admit.


So I broke up with Frey and now I feel sick.

It doesn't help that the giants are having unreasonably loud sex less that 20 metres away from me.

Fuck my life.


Fuck this.
Mustn't cut.

Mustn't cut.

Not worth that backslide.

Mustn't cut.

Thursday, 2 January 2014



Keep me as an afterthought.

That's just fine.

It's only breaking my heart a tiny bit.


Dogs can't eat wheat. Neither can wolves. Neither can I. It makes me feel gross.


I live with a giantess called Aurboda. And a lot of the time I live with her stupid giant boyfriend, Gymir, too.

I really can't stand him. Between his offensive "sense of humour" and his complete disregard for me (finding it hilarious that they wake me up on a regular basis with their fucking loud fat people sex) I just really wish he'd just disappear. Whenever they're apart (even if it's just for an hour) she bitches and whines as if he's died. I don't understand they relationship. I don't think I've ever wanted to be by someone's side 24/7, even when I was so full of love I thought the colour of my skin would change to reflect it.

I just don't get that smothering instinct that the two of them seem to have. I miss Frey, obviously, but we don't see one another for months at a time. We're both natural loners, I guess. I wouldn't want to see him every day, even if I ha nothing better to do. Despite my considerable levels of self-loathing I do actually enjoy being alone.

That said I'm missing my friend Lofn a lot. We haven't seen each other in a long time. Partly because I'm ashamed of myself. Seeing her when Ylva is sleeping makes me feel disgusting and bloated like a corpse in a river.

I feel free, though. For the first time in a long time. And it's because I know that soon Ylva is going to wake up. She can keep me company.



New Year's was a bit of a bust.

My friend from uni came down to see me. He's quite difficult to spend time with - he's been taking lots and lots of drugs for years so his focus is basically appalling. Trying to hold a conversation is basically impossible. He hugely overstayed his welcome yesterday morning as well, when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep off the alcohol and exhaustion.

Tomorrow is a day off for me and I fully intend to sleep through it, like a little hibernation. I'm so tired I feel like a zombie. My brain aches and I feel shaky but I have to go to work. I hate going to work. I hate my job.

The pit of my vast stomach feels full of snakes.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014



Today will be my highest weight this year.

I'm prepared.