Wednesday, 9 October 2013


I can't sleep. Again.

I have sinusitis and I feel like I'm dying from the shoulders upwards. The fact that I can't breathe doesn't seem to have stopped me stuffing my face like some sort of creature. Fuck.

Illness or no illness I'm back on the wagon from tomorrow, I'm going to starve these bastard virusy germ whatever things in my head out as well as Ylva. Simple as, really.

I was getting into good habit with lunches at work, taking a packet on slim-a-soup with me and reading upstairs until my break was over. If only I could show that restraint back at home. From now I have to.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty normal for your body to require more calories if you're fighting off an infection, especially if you have a fever and all that. Don't be too hard on yourself.
    Lena xx
